La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

Connected in Cuba

So you want to go to Cuba, but you’re worried about the internet connection there? If you need to know how to get connected in Cuba then this post is for you!

Recently a student contacted us specifically to express concern about the lack of Internet access in Cuba.

Although Internet access isn’t as available in Cuba as it is here in Europe, it is getting better. You will find more and more WiFi hotspots throughout the major Cuban cities and towns.

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Cuba for U.S. citizens

We are often asked by American students whether they can attend a course at one of our schools in Cuba, to which the answer is yes! In fact, over the years we have arranged many courses for Americans at our schools there.

In 1960, relations between Cuba and the United States deteriorated and the US government imposed an embargo on its Caribbean neighbour. Technically, this does mean that US citizens are not permitted to spend money in Cuba. However, many US citizens do successfully travel to Cuba every year. US citizens are welcomed by Cuba and generally receive a very warm welcome from the locals!

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Time stands still in Cuba!

I absolutely loved my stay in Cuba and I came back home a passionate enthusiast about the Cuban way of life and culture!

I just couldn’t believe how friendly the people were! Please do contact us if you are considering a Spanish course in Cuba and have any questions about this wonderful location. I visited our school in Havana, and our team would also be happy to discuss our other Cuban courses in Trinidad and Santiago.

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Salsa and Spanish!

My name is Jessica and at the beginning of 2008, I spent 6 weeks living in Havana, Cuba. I had the time of my life!

I arrived in Havana at the end of March, which was an excellent time to go, because the weather was perfect. My host family came to pick me up, and brought me back to a nice apartment in west Vedado, an area just bordering the district of Miramar. There was a girl from England staying in the room next to mine, and over the course of our time in Cuba, we became great friends!

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I love Santiago de Cuba!

I’ve been in most of Europe and much of Latin America, but Cuba is truly unique. It’s almost like going back in time, especially when you see the characteristic authentic American cars from the 50’s… There is so much to do and see and the people are really friendly and open.

I’m so pleased that I chose Santiago de Cuba… Raquel from the school is tireless and is always there for you, whatever questions you’ve got or whatever advice you need. She made me feel very welcome from the very first moment. Also Elvira, my Spanish teacher, was just brilliant. She is the best language teacher I have ever had. Very patient, but very attentive to my study needs. I really can’t praise her too highly and I would love to come back for extra lessons with her.

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Santiago – The REAL Cuba!

My first hours in Santiago de Cuba were simply unforgettable. I have never met such friendly people before! When I arrived at my host family’s home, they had a rose for me! Immediately I felt so welcome. They made me comfortable, and after dinner, as we  ‘at home’!

Santiago was the first capital of Cuba and these days it is called the “heroic city”. It was also the cradle of arts and music of Cuba and it is easy to understand why. When you walk along its streets you find plenty of places were singers and musicians perform everyday. The most popular clubs are Casa de la Música, Casa de la Trova and Patio los dos Abuelos. These clubs are unique; I do not think that places like these exist in any other place in the world… with really good live music bands, Salsa and a simply unique ‘Cuban atmosphere’.

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Mojitos in Havana!

I always dreamed of going to the Caribbean because of the beaches but after my trip to Havana, I now know that Cuba has so much more to offer than just sunbathing! As soon as I started walking around Havana I felt as if I was in a different world – the combination of old cars on the street, colonial buildings and the sound of salsa… It’s just so different from any other place in the world!

There are a lot of interesting places to visit in Havana but Vedado it is definitely the best area to stay. It is a lively neighbourhood with nice homes and a lot of activity; the real centre of the city… and this is where my Cuban host family lived and where I also had my Spanish course!

The teachers were really friendly, patient, and obviously had lots of experience of teaching Spanish, because they really know how to help you learn, but make sure you enjoyed it at the same time – and with just 2 other people n the same group as me, we could always ask the teacher if there was anything we didn’t understand.

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Spanish and snorkelling in Trinidad, Cuba!

Thank god that I travelled to Trinidad!!! Most visitors to Cuba simply visit Havana or Varadero and do not include small cities like Trinidad… I decided not to do this, and I can confidently say that they don’t know what they are missing!!

Trinidad is absolutely charming. It is a colonial city, 4.5 hrs from Havana by bus. The school helped me with the arrangements and I travelled with 2 friends in a private car we rented.

In general, trips to Trinidad include a stop in Cienfuegos –another fantastic town by the way- but I chose to stop in Ciénaga de Zapata for a my first diving experience. The whole area is amazing. There are a lot of animals, birds and even a crocodile farm!

Our diving instructor Felix and his family were waiting for us and we had a short but excellent training session. Then we took all the equipment and drove to Playa Larga, just 5 minutes away.

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